I have had a long and wonderfully successful career as an HR executive, and then as an HR consultant (nationally and internationally), but I needed something different in order to add to what my career has been so far. I’m an inventor at heart, so I knew there had to be a way to use my skills and experience in a new way that could both feel exciting to me again and be inspiring to others. I also love international travel and the unique perspectives it provides, so the “international” part of the business was really important to me.
After a few false starts (as I said, change is an adventure!), and a grueling hiatus while dealing with my husband’s serious health issues, I used the help of wise coaches and a vibrant support network to bring The International Center for Women on Purpose alive!
I first thought that to do something more satisfying and fun with my life, I needed to start a new life recipe “from scratch” – starting all over. What I’ve learned instead (thank goodness!) is that everything I’ve done in the past I get to bring together for what I’m doing now! The same goes for you – each part of your past is a strong stepping stone to where you are now and where you will go in the future.
Our most important and impactful work often comes from our own life experience and the learning we get from solving our own challenges, doesn’t it? It worked out perfectly that the things I needed in order to create this business are the same things that can help you make your own transitions.
I discovered that I needed all of the following in my transition to a new career (and life!):
- A guide
- A process (some kind of format to follow)
- A variety of POWERFUL products and services to help me achieve my goals
- Re-inforcement that I was (and am) going in the right direction… and suggestion for correction if going off course!
- Celebration
- Pampering / self-care / play
- A network of others
Change, even change you are looking forward to, can be difficult, but it can also be exciting and even FUN! My hope is that here you can find what you need in order to believe for yourself and prove to others that times of transition can be our times of greatest creativity and possibility!
What change are you going through, or considering going through?
Are you feeling the same way as I did about needing to re-energize your life?
And how can we (myself, the Women on Purpose team, and other readers) help support you? (Feel free to comment.)