I really had to think about her question long and hard. All of the really basic, and sometimes trite, responses come out: “One day at a time. Live in the moment. This too shall pass.” While all true and important, they somehow feel too removed, or over-said, to do any good when you really need a springboard to that joy you so desperately need. So what do you do?
“Joy is that pilot-light we have constantly burning deeply within, quick to grow into an intense heat when fueled by meaningful experiences.” Starla J. King, author of “Wide Awake. Every Day. ”
Here are my best, simple ideas you can use every day - to help you be uplifted and in action and to see the sunshine again. They are little “experiences” that become truly “meaningful” and will bring more joy each day:
1. Take action – even if it is to move your body. Lift you head and look up, get off the chair, go for a walk, take a class, listen to music that moves you. Sit outside and write your little heart out. Start that journal. Meditate. Sing or dance. Do or see something new.
2. Set a time limit. I find this is a really effective way to get yourself out of your funk and find some joy. Set your alarm for 30 minutes, or 10 minutes or better yet, for 5 minutes. Let go of the drama. And when the buzzer goes off, get up and physically move yourself. Physical movement creates different chemicals and feelings in your body. Be AWARE of your feelings and how you are moving from not so good to ok to maybe even great. It is pretty amazing once you focus in on it and feel the changes taking place inside of you.
2. Find support. You CANNOT do this alone. By yourself you get stuck in the space between your ears – just you and your negative thoughts and feelings that tend to feed upon each other.
Reach out for a support team – a trusted friend, a life coach, a counselor, someone from the clergy – whomever you feel comfortable with, someone you trust who help you to laugh a little and move on.
3. Do one or ten things that make you smile.
4. Do one or ten things that make someone else smile.
4. Reach out and find someone who needs help and then help them.
5. Treat yourself to a little joy - a piece of chocolate, looking at photos that make you smile, calling an friend, watching a favorite movie, listening to wind chimes or a sea shell, smelling flowers. Use all of your senses.
6. Repeat items 1 – 5 as needed. Be committed and dedicated to being in joy very day.
By taking these simple actions, you start to get rid of your feelings and behaviors that no longer serve you and you then will build a new habit which nourishes you and others.
We all have, and will have, incredible challenges and not-so-fun times. There is always beauty in a storm. It is up to us to lift up our eyes to find it. And yes, it is not so hard when you know what to do. Joy is closer than you think – it really is inside of you.
Do you feel that you are bored or exhausted at the end of the day and need something different ? Are you not working in your best space and want to feel more alive and fulfilled in your work? Is it time to renew your spirit? If not now, what are you waiting for?
Now is the best time and let me help you on your journey to figure out what inspires you, what your unique skills and talents are, what is next. I can support you in finding answers and inspiration in our programs, career and personal coaching, and workshops developed just for you.
Come join me for a complimentary personal 'retreat' where we can explore options and ideas to help you on this journey. Please go to: http://www.icwop.com/introduction.html
“Wide Awake. Every Day” Starla J. King. 2013 Little Big Bay Company LLC. Available on Amazon.