Today, if this is your usual pattern, try something different. Ask the BEST questions you can - of yourself and others. The better the questions, the better the answers and options you have.
Consider asking questions like these:
"How can I do this better?
How can I react differently?
What can I do to stop allowing others to have control over me and push my
What kind of support do I need?
If I had no rules, what else could I do?
What is the best advice I can give myself?
What is the one thing I can change that will make a big difference?
How can I give myself permission to do something new or different?
What one step can I take to get out of my comfort zone?
What is holding me back and how can I change it?
Make a list right now of the best questions you can think of - those that will bring you more joy and empowerment. Then take notice of your questions today. When you hear yourself asking the drama questions, stop and replace them with the types of questions which give you the best results and amazing options you may never have thought of. Your choice. All it takes is a little shift in your thinking. You will be pleasantly surprised at the answers.
Do you want to make real change and renew your spirit? Find more inspiration in our programs, developed just for you, on http://www.icwop.com/introduction.html