Thinking back on today, how much time did you spend in this state of semi-consciousness? It is pretty scary when we add it up. We miss out on so much - seeing someone smiling, a bird soaring overhead (although not recommend while driving), a mom hugging her child. Things that can bring us so much joy with minimum effort are right in front of us. I know that the world is also trying to connect with us by showing us little signs which give us perhaps a new idea or a better way of dealing with things – if we open our eyes and hearts and allow them in.
Here is a great example – several years ago I had been in a lovely store in the little town next to where I lived, and was chatting a bit with the owner, a woman who made a great transition after 9/11 from Wall Street to owning this beautiful shop by the sea. I was in my usual rush, but I happened to look on the wall and saw a framed newspaper article that talked about her move from finance to entrepreneur. I read the whole article because it talked to me - there was a message there just for me on that wall. She became the impetus for me to leave corporate work and start my own business, and had no idea she was my inspiration until years later when I mentioned this in a workshop that I was giving. (Thank you, my friend, Kelly of Urban Details in Spring Lake NJ!)
Here are my two big lessons from that little story – if I had been in my usual rush, I would not have read the article and it may have been many years later for me to get the courage to make the change. And the second lesson for me was that you never know how you affect others - kindness and support go a very long way. And I received the unexpected gift of a great friend as well!
So how about for the rest of the day be more aware of the world around you, and let it touch you inside. There are many gifts reaching out to you – just turn off the auto-pilot and be ready to receive what is coming your way.
For support and more ideas on how to create the story and future that you truly want, please go to our Program Options page.
New: Personal, customized coaching services are also available for individuals. Specializing in executive women looking for a life transition. Connect with me directly for a complimentary, one-on-one Discovery Call. 732 245-4931