Ralph Waldo Emerson
Almost everyday we are so tied up in our daily lives that we easily miss being inspired by others and by things around us. I have been traveling and helping my daughter move overseas for a year (a good excuse – yes? – not to be inspired) and have been so caught up in the minutia and frenzy of the ‘tasks’ that we both needed to do so that we became totally exhausted. I could hardly function, let alone see the wonderful things around me. Only after many days we both just said “enough! – time to enjoy our new surroundings.” It was such a release to take a breath and be cognizant of what is around and in front of us.
It all goes back to giving ourselves permission – that it is okay to take a time out from our jobs, our family, our friends, our errands, our ‘to do list’. What do we think will really happen to us if we don’t finish item # 24 today? I do know what will happen if we continue to just totally focus on getting ‘stuff’ done. We become stagnant, crabby, short tempered, and lose energy and a zest for life. In other words, we live totally uninspired.
We are not made to be machines. We are made to embrace life inside us and around us.- to to step back and see and experience the world around us. And in that embrace of the world, we find unexpected pleasures, joys and learning, Allowing for inspiration to come in does help us to “be what we could be”and to find happiness in everyday.
Once we realize that and understand that it is okay for us to take a breather, we being to lighten up – both in mind, spirit and body.
Make a promise to choose to do two or three things today, and every day, that inspire you – is it reading about someone’s life whom you admire? Is it taking a walk and seeing the changing season all around you? Hiding for 5 minutes and listening to your favorite song you haven’t heard in years? Watching a baby laugh, looking up at the sky and seeing the clouds just drift by and morph into amazing shapes. Perhaps it is a person you just met or a friend who is coping with difficult things and seems to be able to handle their life with grace. Inspiration starts with the small things. Do this each day and you will soon not just allow yourself, but develop a habit of being inspired each and every day. And in this, you also become an inspiration to others.
And who knows where this will lead? This door to your new adventure is just waiting for you to open it. Be grateful, and enjoy this time in your life.
For more information and ideas on being inspired, please go to http://www.icwop.com/program-options.html