Tired of feeling unfulfilled - knowing that there is something more out there for you but not knowing exactly what it is or how to discover it?
I am honored to be your guide during this 30-minute, complimentary teleseminar. We will discussing what it means to Explore Your Destiny and we'll provide you with ideas and direction to finding your true purpose in life.
Many women are wanting to discover the next meaningful chapter in their lives and this teleseminar is devoted to helping them find out about how to go about doing just that. During this time, we will explore the following topics and more:
Why is purpose so important at this stage of your life?
What does it feel like when you are a, "Woman On Purpose"?
Hear inspirational and motivational stories by women who found their purpose.
We'll discuss several practical ideas that will help you start right away on your journey to finding your true life’s work.
Join me for a fun and enlightening evening and get started on YOUR journey now!
The Juicy Details
Date: Thursday June 27, 2013 Time: 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm ET Call-In Number/Passcode: Please sign up below to receive the teleseminar call-in number and passcode (your email address will be used solely for the purpose of sending you the call-in number and possibly to solicit your feedback following the call; your email address will not be used for any other communication and will never be shared with any other parties).